Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday shoot

I just came home from a photo shoot. Working on a Sunday feels good. Makes me feel ambitious. The rest of the day will probably be a relaxing one though. (I'm already tucked in bed with a pizza!) I shot with a friend, who is an amazing photographer. I enjoy shooting with people I know. You have fun and it's laid back and we can collaborate together. I can't wait to see the photos. That is so very exciting, getting to see the end result of something you created together. In the meantime - here is one from a previous shoot we did in Joshua Tree. It was so windy and cold that day. That's of course all forgotten now. But the image - it's forever. I try to think that way, when having to push myself a little bit extra for a shot.


  1. Becki, I love reading your blog! You have a perfect, eclectic mix of topics. One day I find myself reading about a certain tasty recipe, next it's awesome fashion, and then you suddenly embark into emotions, feelings and deep thoughts. I'm hooked!!

  2. And I think you actually summed me up pretty god there ;)
