Wednesday, September 28, 2011

LA driving (living)

All this driving, almost spending half your life in the car. That's the life of an Angelino and especially a model/actor in LA. This city is so widely spread so being able to go from place to place, you definitely need a car. No trams and buses to relay on like in Milan. Today I took myself to Beverly Hills, back to LA and then to the Valley and ended up in Santa Monica before I came back home to LA again. Auditions. They really are all over. And always on the same day. After a while you learn to save some time and be effective by doing everything in the car - change clothes between auditions, put your makeup on, eat lunch...But then there are times when it's just really enjoyable too. My favorite tune on the radio, the wind playing with my ponytail, a glance through an open window on the beautiful surrounding I'm happy to call my home. Life could be worse.

1 comment:

  1. To actually calculate how much time of your life is spent in your car is scary. Especially for an Angelino.
