Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Boling Crab!

This is how it comes - right in the plastic bag! A spicy corn on the cob was a great addition.
Since I simply love seafood some friends took me to the Boiling Crab in Alhambra tonight. This fun, crazy, messy Louisiana style seafood place, where you put your bib on and prepare yourself to get dirty! The crab, crayfish and shrimps or whatever you are ordering come in a plastic bag and then you just dig in, eating with bare hands without any utensils or plates. It all ends up right on the table! I tried my food cooked in the famous "shabang" sauce and it was delicious. Spicy yes, but nothing I couldn't handle. Perhaps because I took the mild version.. And then with a huge Cafe Boba on our way home, I'm beyond full right now...Who says models don't eat??

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