Thursday, October 20, 2011

Work it!

My job is anything but 9-5 and that means quite a bit of that nice free time, spending the day however I please. But when I work, I REALLY work! Sometimes it seems like there is nothing in between. Today I was on set for 12 hours. I woke up at 6am, left at 6.30 and then came home about fourteen hours later. Dead tired of course. And hungry. But I really do like my work a lot. We shot for a cool, casual shoe brand, on location in Santa Monica. The crew was so nice to work with, I loved the makeup and styling, and the best part - I got to pick two pair of shoes to keep! My friends always ask me, if I do get to keep the stuff I model. Sometimes you are so lucky, yes. When I work for a makeup brand, I can receive lots of eye shadows, powder, blush and other great makeup, when modeling for a skin care line they usually give you the products. And today, I got shoes. Yay!
Now I'll have to use what energy I have left and pack my bags. Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Vegas for the weekend. No work, just a fun couple of days.


  1. "Viva, viva, viva, viva Las Vegas, viva Las Vegas!!"

  2. Beautiful X 4 => I like!!
