Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Monday and I promise to be good

And I'm off!
I found this top for one of my nieces at Old Navy. Cute with the kitten, statue of liberty and lots of sparkles (that didn't transform into the picture though..) Even better if it had said "I love LA" but NY will do!

A new week always brings the feeling of a new beginning for me. Today I will be more organized, more healthy, more energized, or whatever I feel I've been lacking during the weekend or past week. So this very Monday I took the bull by the horn right away and took off on a trip of errands. All these things I have found excuses for not doing before - pick up clothes at the dry cleaner, go to the bank and cash some checks, visit the T-Mobile store about my Blackberry that hasn't been working properly, buy some gifts (that's a fun errand though)...I didn't finish them all today but hopefully my new and improved self will still be there for tomorrow...


  1. Becki, that's a very good way of looking at things.

    /A fan

  2. Hey, cute t-shirt!!

  3. You are always good!
