Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where did the fall go?

A refreshing healthy pomegranate drink. Keeps you cool in the fall heat.
I thought fall had finally made its way to Southern California. It's true, we did get cooler weather for some days. Even the tucked away winter blanket traveled from the cabinet to my bed. But then something happened again. I went for a walk in the neighborhood this afternoon. And my Converse stumbled on some fallen leaves - to me that's the biggest sign of fall, but I was dressed in only shorts and a little top and still felt warm. Next week will be even hotter, up to 102 degrees in the valley (about 40 Celsius). Guess I'm not planning any trips to that part of the hill in the near future.


  1. LA has fall and just turn the AC on max wherever you happen to be, and never, ever walk outside. This way you can wear all the fabulous fall/winter collections.

  2. Just add a little vodka...
