Sunday, October 2, 2011


My words of the day. I think this is very true.
Every time I'm at the Farmer's Market at the Grove I stop by Monsieur Marcel, this great deli market where you can find so many French and Italian delicatessen, and get a little Italian Bacio chocolate. (Today I even got treated so that was even sweeter! )They are delicious, yes. But I like them mostly because of the nostalgia since I used to spend some of my hard earned model money on them back in the day in Milan. (The other thing I spent my money on was shoes! I remember this cute shoe shop at the corner, several metro stops away from my apartment...I went there at least once a week, every time we models got our payment or weekly pocket money from the agency.)
I'm so childishly fond of the little words of wisdom hidden behind the wrapping. Just like a fortune cookie, I really take them to heart. If it's a fortune, I have this rule - if I like what it says, I have to eat the cookie up in order for it to come true. But the chocolate is so irresistible so of course I'll eat that one no matter what!

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