Monday, October 10, 2011

Insights of a shopper

Shhhh..a gift for me! (But I'm not supposed to know about it.)

What I learned on today's shopping trip:
* The new Marc Jacob's Perfume "Oh Lola" smells really good. And oh, isn't that bottle pretty! When it's empty I could never throw it away.
* I've told you before, I really do believe in signs. Even when it comes to such trivial things as a hot dog. I just couldn't decide if I wanted to get a pretzel dog or not, but finally walked up to the stand. And then they told me they had just ran out! So no pretzel dog and I didn't even have to make the decision myself.
* Forever 21 still has the best and most affordable little shopping treats. Today - a basic grey top for under $5 and a pair of earrings for under $3. Hard to beat!
* Candy bought by the pound (that we are so used to in Sweden and that doesn't cost much at all) is here called "Couture Candy". That makes total sense, considering it would costs you an arm and a leg if you would need to take care of your sweet tooth.
* Buying gifts for a special one is so much fun. Like the pink heart shaped gold earrings I found for my oldest niece's birthday.
* I will never get tired of walking around Whole Foods, trying out their cheeses and looking at fresh produce and cute cookie gift wrappings.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I would love to go shopping with you!

    /Secret Admirer
