Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween found it's way into my home too. I am just crazy for all kinds of traditions. To me, they bring comfort and that sense of that at least some things around us will always be as they always have been. Santa Claus WILL come every Christmas, the Easter Bunny at Easter and Jack O Lantern at Halloween. And it's simply fun of course. I become a kid again every time. Especially at Christmas. It's so packed with traditions and joy, it probably makes it the best time of the year. Right now I'll go into West Hollywood to watch the Halloween parade and all the crazy costumes. I'm not big on dressing up myself, so a part of me feels I'm missing out on bits of all the fun. But I get inspired by all the the creativity other people bring.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Celebration and good ol' crazy Venice

Last night was one of celebration. Many toasts - lots of happiness. And today, a lazy fun Sunday at Venice Beach. In a way the celebration continued, because I really think this crazy, weird place is a celebration of life in so many ways. Filled with all these people from all walks of life, doing their thing, being whoever they want to, not thinking about tomorrow or who's watching, it's a kind of haven where you can just BE.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Warming up

Not that LA is too cold, but it's dark and cozy and it's fall and it's Thursday (in Sweden Thursday is "soup day"!). Just pick a reason for why soup seemed like tonight's perfect dinner. I choose my Potato and Leek Soup. It's really healthy, tasty and super easy to make - perfect!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Family members from back home are in town for a while and look what they brought with them when arriving yesterday! Several Swedish gossip magazines and lots of that delicious candy I crave so much living over here. The Swedish candy is simply the BEST in the world. I get excited just by the look of it. First a scheduled appointment with my dermatologist in Beverly Hills and then I guess you know what I'll do for the rest of the day ;)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Vegas Baby

The weekend is over and I'm back from Vegas. I had a wonderful couple of days. Vegas is always fun. There is just no other place like it anywhere else. And my trip started very much in style - lucky me got a limo driving up outside my home, taking me to LAX! From there on, the weekend continued in all sorts of fun ways. Unfortunately I got a bit of a cold but it wasn't too bad. Nothing some gambling and nice evenings couldn't cure, or the outlet shopping on the way back!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Work it!

My job is anything but 9-5 and that means quite a bit of that nice free time, spending the day however I please. But when I work, I REALLY work! Sometimes it seems like there is nothing in between. Today I was on set for 12 hours. I woke up at 6am, left at 6.30 and then came home about fourteen hours later. Dead tired of course. And hungry. But I really do like my work a lot. We shot for a cool, casual shoe brand, on location in Santa Monica. The crew was so nice to work with, I loved the makeup and styling, and the best part - I got to pick two pair of shoes to keep! My friends always ask me, if I do get to keep the stuff I model. Sometimes you are so lucky, yes. When I work for a makeup brand, I can receive lots of eye shadows, powder, blush and other great makeup, when modeling for a skin care line they usually give you the products. And today, I got shoes. Yay!
Now I'll have to use what energy I have left and pack my bags. Tomorrow morning I'm flying to Vegas for the weekend. No work, just a fun couple of days.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I really like hats and I think the right hat on the right person just adds that special something. But whenever I buy one, I have a tendency to not wear it. Today I found this one and I couldn't resist. It got to come home with me. So please help me and remind me to not just let it collect dust on a shelf in my closet!

Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Monday and I promise to be good

And I'm off!
I found this top for one of my nieces at Old Navy. Cute with the kitten, statue of liberty and lots of sparkles (that didn't transform into the picture though..) Even better if it had said "I love LA" but NY will do!

A new week always brings the feeling of a new beginning for me. Today I will be more organized, more healthy, more energized, or whatever I feel I've been lacking during the weekend or past week. So this very Monday I took the bull by the horn right away and took off on a trip of errands. All these things I have found excuses for not doing before - pick up clothes at the dry cleaner, go to the bank and cash some checks, visit the T-Mobile store about my Blackberry that hasn't been working properly, buy some gifts (that's a fun errand though)...I didn't finish them all today but hopefully my new and improved self will still be there for tomorrow...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And of course, a cake for dessert

"Karleksmums" or "Love Yum" which would be the English translation, is one of the best cakes I know. And not just for the name. But a chocolate cake with an icing of powdered sugar, coffee, butter and cocoa and then lots of coconut flakes on top, how can that go wrong? So come on over and help me finish these!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The "Swedest" Thing

Don't worry, I added some more greens. I do eat my vegetables! ;)
Meatballs! Served like this, with potatoes, brown cream sauce and lingonberry jam this is very old school Swedish food. This is what my grandma used to make and my mom and now me.

Here is my recipe for Swedish meatballs:
(approximately 100 meatballs)
2 lb beef (or I use half beef and half pork)
1 large onion
1 egg
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
butter or margarine for frying

Peel and grate the onion. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix them thoroughly with your hands. Roll small round meatballs in the palm of your hand. Fry them in a frying pan until golden brown.

For those busy days

Wouldn't this be perfect? A robot applying your makeup for you. This was a first for me but I'm lucky to have my makeup done by some of the best artists, when I'm on set. The way they are able to transform a face and make it look so easy. I always want to take them home with me!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Sneak peak Versace collection

A pink suite for your man?
Mark your calendars. November 17th is the day, when the lines outside of H&M probaly will be as long as the ones outside of Target for the Missoni collection.


"Very Classy" is the new release of Blasberg's bestseller "Classy".

In time for the release of his trend bible "Very Classy", author Derek Blasberg talked fashion with some of his favorite classy women at different ages, including Claudia Schiffer and Emma Watson. And I love the quote from Lynn Wyatt, 76, when being asked how she would identify her own personal style. "Class with a dash of sass but never trash". So simple! Isn't that pretty much how we all want to be?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tom Ford Makeup

This year, the ultra popular designer launched a luxe makeup line as well. And the collection looks amazing of course, like everything else he put his hand on. $48 for a lipstick...I thought I splurged with my Dolce&Gabbana one for $32..

My friend on a chain

It's in silver with a golden heart, designed by a jeweler in Southern Sweden. The very best part is, the little figure looks just like my stuffed animal that I got from my grandpa when I was just a couple of months old. I still have it to this day and it's just as dear to me. It used to be a dog but now I'm not so sure anymore. I have loved him to pieces. But this friendly face reminds me of his. My mom gave this necklace to me for my birthday this year. She liked the resemblance of course, and the idea of it being named "the world's kindest" by the designer. In her eyes, that would be me<3 And she didn't just buy it but won it in a lottery. I guess I really was meant to have this one. Do you see how much I like it?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New portraits

My photographer friend, who I shot with a couple of weeks ago has sent me some photos from our shoot. Here are two of my favorites. Crazy fashion and lots of makeup and hair is always fun, but I also very much like this natural look. Less makeup. More me.

Would you eat the Cookie Monster?

I just came across this picture of an adorable little Cookie Monster. So cute! I don't think I would dare to eat him though. But one a rainy day I have to try and see if I can make one myself.

Swedish victory calls for Swedish dinner

"Skagen" in a baked potato or on a toast or in a baguette...all are just as good.
Today, my native Sweden played against the Netherlands in a very important Euro Cup 2012 qualifying game. And won! 3-2 to Sweden. Little Sweden winning over the giants, apparently for the first time in a competitive match since 1924... Now we have secured a spot in the European Championship in Poland and Ukraine in June. And instantly I know just how to spend my next summer! This calls for a celebration with what else, if not something typical Swedish. Baked Poatao with "Skagen" - a mix of shrimps, caviar, dill, red onion, mayo and a dash of salt and pepper. I think you know I love seafood, right?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Insights of a shopper

Shhhh..a gift for me! (But I'm not supposed to know about it.)

What I learned on today's shopping trip:
* The new Marc Jacob's Perfume "Oh Lola" smells really good. And oh, isn't that bottle pretty! When it's empty I could never throw it away.
* I've told you before, I really do believe in signs. Even when it comes to such trivial things as a hot dog. I just couldn't decide if I wanted to get a pretzel dog or not, but finally walked up to the stand. And then they told me they had just ran out! So no pretzel dog and I didn't even have to make the decision myself.
* Forever 21 still has the best and most affordable little shopping treats. Today - a basic grey top for under $5 and a pair of earrings for under $3. Hard to beat!
* Candy bought by the pound (that we are so used to in Sweden and that doesn't cost much at all) is here called "Couture Candy". That makes total sense, considering it would costs you an arm and a leg if you would need to take care of your sweet tooth.
* Buying gifts for a special one is so much fun. Like the pink heart shaped gold earrings I found for my oldest niece's birthday.
* I will never get tired of walking around Whole Foods, trying out their cheeses and looking at fresh produce and cute cookie gift wrappings.

Another Italian favorite

A Caprese Salad for lunch, which I hope will give me some shopping strength. No auditions or work today so I'm planning an afternoon trip to the Grove. Just because it's Monday and I'm free and because I haven't done anything casually fun in some time. Stores, here I come!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where did the fall go?

A refreshing healthy pomegranate drink. Keeps you cool in the fall heat.
I thought fall had finally made its way to Southern California. It's true, we did get cooler weather for some days. Even the tucked away winter blanket traveled from the cabinet to my bed. But then something happened again. I went for a walk in the neighborhood this afternoon. And my Converse stumbled on some fallen leaves - to me that's the biggest sign of fall, but I was dressed in only shorts and a little top and still felt warm. Next week will be even hotter, up to 102 degrees in the valley (about 40 Celsius). Guess I'm not planning any trips to that part of the hill in the near future.

Christian Louboutin Book

On October 25th, to celebrate his twentieth anniversary, Christian Louboutin releases his first book. It's an autobiography about his journey into becoming a shoe God, his life, home, his famous friends...and of course it contains a full catalogue of all the amazing shoes! Price listed at $150.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Country Strong - I'm a city girl with a country heart

With a cowboy in Fort Worth, Texas.

At Southfork Ranch, Dallas, Texas.
My dawn turned into evening and I spent it in my own company. I've never minded that. I even very much need it from time to time. I made a little girl's night out of it, rented a movie I've wanted to see for a long time and tucked myself in bed with a big pile of popcorn. "Country Strong" with Gwyneth Paltrow and Tim McGraw. I didn't think I would like it this much though. I think it was a really good story, emotional and honest. I don't understand the rather tepid reviews at all. But then of course I'm a fan already. A movie about the country music scene in Nashville and Texas, unshaven guys in cowboy hats and boots, that Southern accent when they talk, how can I not like that? To me, there is just something about a cowboy! And I feel right at home there. The big city has always excited me, but perhaps because I grew up in a small town, the Southern hospitality and the simple life they seem to live, really appeals to me too. I want to go back and visit Texas real soon again!

Friday, October 7, 2011

LA magic


My LA is the most beautiful at dusk.
You know, right between what has been so far and what is about to come.
When the sun gives away one last beam before everything puts to rest.
Not yet a lost day, still the anticipation of the night.

Dolce indeed

The golden color looks beautiful on my vanity.
After some searching I found my Dolce&Gabbana lipstick at last. Apparently Saks is the only one carrying Dolce&Gabbana makeup. And I just found out there are only two stores on the West coast, here in Beverly Hills and then one in San Fransisco. I didn't know that. I tried some different nude colors but then finally went with the "cinnamon" one. A splurge every now and then, feels so luxurious. When you get it nicely wrapped and in a cute little shopping bag, it almost feels like a gift. Well, a gift you paid for, that is..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday (resort casting) style

Striped dress - Forever 21
Animal printed bikini top with straps - H&M
My new heels - BCBG
Good ol' favorite handbag - Marc by Marc Jacobs
Peachy nail polish - I'm a lover for black&white but always try to add a little color somewhere!

A callback in the valley for a casino/resort and then some Chinese food before heading back home again. How was your Thursday?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bruchetta di Pomodori

This is one of the best dishes I know. I love Italian in general and this must be one of my absolute favorites. I just made these for dinner and they disappeared pretty much right after the camera snapped!

Search and you'll find

Remember when I wrote about going on a treasure hunt at your own place? I don't remember if I was really looking for anything in particular the other day, but when dusting off some of my old jewelry, I found this gem - dark from tarnish and sad and forgotten it hid under a bunch of other rings, bracelets and necklaces. Now newly polished it has turned into one of my absolute favorites. I've been wearing it ever since. How could I ever forget about this one? I think I bought it a couple of years ago on a vacation in Cancun. Sometimes having to many things distracts you from what really matters. Isn't it like that with everything, though?

Sometimes it rains in California too

Just when leaving Nashville behind this summer, we hit one of of the worst rains we had ever experienced. Very exotic indeed. It rained so fast and heavy the windshield couldn't possibly clear the rain away and cars were crawling their way forward on the freeway.

I'm in bed, listening to the drops of rain hitting my window sill. When it rains as seldom as it does here in LA, raining gets exotic and I think it's really really cozy. Well, at least if you're able to spend the rainy day indoors. You'll find me here under the blanket, drinking a cup of hot tea, reading a new magazine, eating cinnamon rolls...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hurray for the Cinnamon Roll!

In Sweden the cinnamon roll has its very own day. It's today, October the 4th. I'm crazy for traditions, so if a day is called "The Cinnamon Roll's Day" it would be impossible for me not to indulge in some. Between auditioning, my kitchen turned into my own little cinnamon roll bakery. I don't think there is any other pastry, cookie or bun I enjoy more than a newly baked cinnamon roll with lots of butter, cardamon, sugar and of course cinnamon. Yummy! I've already had four so far.. ;)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Christmas in October

Look what was waiting for me at the post box today! A package from home. Filled with lots of all sorts of my favorite Swedish candy and the latest issue of my favorite magazine. I feel loved.

I agree