Monday, July 16, 2012

Officially grown up

I went to dinner at some friend's house yesterday. There we were, three couples and three kids. And a dog. I was sitting by the dinner table sipping on a glass of wine, my baby sleeping in his car seat next to me, the toddlers running around and the dog barking in the background, while we all were waiting for a cup of coffee after dinner. Coffee after dinner, just a thing like that! Because then it hit me, if it never had before: I'm a grown up! I've always seen myself as so young, maybe because I'm the youngest out of two sisters. I wasn't one of those kids feeling grown up right after high school. But something must have happened along the way, because here I am today. Group dates, husband and a kid, coffee after dinner and everything else that tells me I have grown up. I don't think I will ever loose the kid in me though, even if I now have one myself. See, I'm still someone's kid too.


  1. Promise never to lose the kid in you, even if you are a mom now.

  2. Well put! I feel it's all about who you are on the inside, how you perceive yourself, not the circumstances surrounding you.

  3. That's a great way of looking at it and I agree! It was just one of those moments of "wow, guess I'm all grown up now"..
