Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday funday

My agent and friend stopped by to meet the little one today. We had a great time, catching up and drinking mimosas and eating my Nutella swirled cupcakes I baked this morning. Why are weekends always so short though? Because they are fun? Wonderful is short, isn't that what they say? :)
Ps. Using an ice cream scoop to fill the forms with the batter was very practical. Not as messy as when using a regular spoon!

1 comment:

  1. Yummi!! What a wonderful combination, mimosas and your delicious cupcakes. I agree, weekends always fly by at a furious pace, it seems. I've never heard that expression, but it's so true. Thanks for the "ice cream spoon" trick. I'll keep that in mind next time I bake cupcakes! :)
