Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My first earthquake

As you see, it didn't scare me too much ;)
Living in LA means experiencing an earthquake every now and then. Hopefully just small ones!.. There has been a couple of them while I've been here but this is the first one I've actually felt. The last one I was in the car and didn't feel a thing. And I was quite bummed about it. Early this morning, around 3 am, I woke up from the windows shaking. My first thought was if my baby would be safe of course, then when it stopped just some seconds later, I soundly went back to sleep again. Until someone let me know he was hungry that is... Apparently it was a 3.8 magnitude earthquake, with its epicenter in Marina Del Ray.


  1. I felt it too...a short, powerful jolt. Made me start mentally preparing what to do if a big one struck. Scary stuff!

  2. "Eartquake pretty!"
