Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When I grow up I want to be a baker

I can't seem to stop baking! Here is a banana cake, that I just let out of the oven. My favorite fruit is banana so with that key ingredient, how can this simple cake not be a winner? I whip up a banana cake whenever I feel like baking and don't really know what to do make. It always works. This particular recipe is very basic with only butter, flour, baking powder, egg and sugar but you can also mix some chocolate or cinnamon into the batter. I simply love the scent of something newly baked and the feeling of contentment when opening the oven and carrying out your "masterpiece". And to sample it of course! I've inherited my baking interest from my mom. I grew up with the best baked goods you can imagine. No one had prettier birthday cakes than me and my sister. One day we will open up a cafe together and serve our best recipes all day long. That's my dream.


  1. I'm sooo starving right now and would kill for a slice of your delicious cake, Becki!

  2. I just had a piece myself...yum! ;)

  3. awwww...that is so sweet!!! I hope that your dream comes true and that I will have to start going to the gym so I can eat all your baked goods :O)
