Thursday, August 11, 2011

A busy girl goes shopping in Downtown LA

The colorful fabric stores of Downtown LA - I've always wished I could pick up some beautiful fabric and sew something pretty but since I can't I'll go shopping clothes instead!
I've had such a busy day today..two auditions - one in West Hollywood and one in Downtown. I've been on the phone so many times, I've been to the bank, the grocery store, stopped to put gas in the car and a Redbull in me, emailed with friends and I've been.....SHOPPING!! Since I've been so industrious I thought I deserved a little reward. My Downtown audition was in the heart of fashion district so after I was done I walked around among all the fabric and fashion stories. And I found so many things I liked. I'm so happy with all of them...a super cute dress, a white lace skirt, three tops and a pair of black sandals..I feel only a little bit guilty but mostly pleased! I just tried them on at home and I love them even more here in my bedroom mirror, paired with different shoes and accessories. A really good shopping experience really makes wonders for your mood. Don't you think? It may be superficial, but it's so true.

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