Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lucky pennies

My red very heavy penny pot
Do you believe in lucky coins? I do. I am very superstitious. I believe in almost everything like that. Lucky pennies, wish fountains, astrology....and I see signs in most things around me. So when I find a lonely shiny little penny lying there on the ground, I think it's meant for me to pick it up. And then it's just to wait for the luck to happen, right? I wish it was that easy! In that case I should have been super lucky by now. A couple of years ago, I bought a "penny pot" at a yard sale, to put all my pennies in. Perhaps they all lie there and cook on the big fortune that is about to come?


  1. "Penny pot is miiine!" Fin bild!


  2. Hey ... I think that penny pot should go to Penny Lane...would love to get a picture of Penny next to this pot..hehehe Seriously, the penny pot is awesome and I love that it looks worn out!!! It'll be like winning your own little lottery...maybe you'll have enough to buy that clutch :O)

  3. Ah, you have your own lucky Penny! So cute. And let's take that photo next time for sure! :) Could be funny to walk into the store and empty the penny pot at the counter...hehe
