Thursday, August 18, 2011

...and an even better cake!

Sweets loving me just treated myself to two big pieces of this apple and cinnamon sponge cake. I remember my grandma back home used to make something like this. And now I tried to. It didn't turn out quite the way hers always did. I forgot to peel the apples for one! That's so typical me. I love to bake but sometimes my thoughts are not with me while following the recipe. When I was younger and first started baking, I more than one time forgot the melted butter that I had put away on the stove and had to open the oven and throw it in afterwards! Oh well, I always enjoyed it and the taste of home baked is always something special. So was this one. Perfect or not.


  1. Looks FABULOUS...and I'm sure must taste even better!

  2. Yes, I agree. It looks so delicious. I would like to bake a similar one.
    U B

  3. Come and sample it with me! ;)
