Monday, November 26, 2012

Here we go again

On my way home from"Din Sko"

The week started with my baby waking me with a smile, alert and ready to take on a new day, as it usually does. And then I went to a callback for "Din Sko", a commercial for a Swedish shoe chain, in the afternoon and met three guys from Stockholm and received a fun filled package in the mail from mom when I got home and now - I'm almost ready for bed after a day of juggling two jobs. I don't know if it's also because the long nice holiday weekend is over but I feel extra tired today. Hope you all had a great start of the new week. I can't believe November is coming to an end this week and we'll have December soon...

1 comment:

  1. Wow...your week really had an explosive (and good it seemed) start! Cool pic!
