Sunday, November 25, 2012

Good bye ❤

At Southfork Ranch, outside of Dallas, Texas

My childhood idol JR Ewing (Larry Hagman) past away over the holidays. This made me really sad. I think there even came a tear or two. It felt that I knew him and to me Larry Hagman and JR Ewing was the same person. And that was my absolute favorite TV character of all times. So entertainingly evil and so endearing at the same time. He made me want to see Texas and the mighty Dallas in particular of course. And so I did. As if I were still the little kid being glued to the TV screen back home, I ran around amongst the Dallas city skyscrapers and on the land on Southfork on last summer's road trip, happier than most. If there was one person I wanted to meet, it was actually him. Being there, I kind of feel I got to in a way.
Rest in peace cowboy.


  1. Becki, I share your sorrow. To me, JR Ewing was the most memorable on-screen villain ever. As you mentioned, the blend of bad and good made JR irresistible to watch. What an actor Hagman was. And he seemed like such an amiable person in real life. RIP JR!

  2. He sure was. One of the finest actors ever I think. He is very missed.
