Saturday, November 26, 2011


Yesterday was Black Friday and I deliberately stayed away from a lot of the craziness even though I had some errands on my list - including a stop at IKEA to pick up some familiar treats for Advent this coming Sunday. But apparently IKEA has stopped selling all the Swedish brands and almost didn't have anything I was looking for. Not the classical round big gingerbread jars, no juleskum (the strawberry flavored marshmallows), no Ahlgrens bilar (the small car shaped marshmallows) and no nothing.... They will only sell IKEA:s own brand of food from now on and until they have received the new items the shelves were almost empty :( As a Swede, of course I don't like this one bit. A trip to IKEA:s food store was always something I was looking forward to and the salvation when cravings after something sweet from home got too big. But at least a stop at the food court to have some meatballs and a princess cake cheered me up a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Swede and I have always hated IKEA. Becki, what you just wrote is yet another reason.
