Sunday, November 20, 2011

Versace madhouse

Empty shelves. All gone! Look at the poor guy in the middle looking all sad..

Yesterday was the Versace for H&M launch and it was just as crazy as the Missoni for Target one! We got there early but still didn't stand a chance to even look at a piece. Stores opened at 8am and by 8.05 all the men's wear was gone! The women collection is like always in a surrounded area where you are only allowed entry once your time slot on the given bracelet is up. Anyway, it was a day of pure madness and bad luck on our part where we returned home empty handed. After coming back a while later though, we managed to get our hands on a pair of really pretty shoes, a hat and a pair of tights. Could be nice under a black dress perhaps?

1 comment:

  1. Good job even finding something in that chaos. Ha ha...guy in middle really looks sad.
