Wednesday, November 16, 2011



I'm leaving for Sweden in two weeks. If you have picked up a thing or two about me, you know I'm just crazy for sweets. So one of the first things I always do when coming home, is to buy myself a really big bag of that delicious candy that is only to be found in my native country. The problem is, I'm craving it soo much already! American candy doesn't help much at all. Perhaps it's because I know it's just around the corner and that's why it seems too long.  Does that makes sense? Ahh, can't wait!


  1. Den som vantar pa nagot gott... Din gottegris!!

  2. Now when you come from Sweden, have you ever tried “mix- by yourself “- candy from the Danish supermarkets: Kvickly, Bilka, Super Brugsen etc? It's so good, and the great thing is that you can choose what you like best.It's so worth trying (:

  3. I've never tried the Danish ones, only the Swedish ones like Karamellkungen and such. But I would love to try them. I'm flying to Copenhagen so I might stop for a sweet treat there as well;)
