Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Swedish good stuff

I just love Swedish food. Not just because I live over here and can't eat all the things I'm used to and now I simply miss it. I really do think most things taste so much better back home. And I feel that the food Swedes eat is a lot more diverse than here in the US. For lunch I just had one of my favorites, some "knackebrod" - a hard bread, that's very common in Sweden. It tastes so good with some ham or cheese and it's really healthy too. If I can, I'm always choosing this one over some white bread or anything like that. It's possible to find here in some well-assorted grocery stories, so go out and try it!


  1. Yummi, good for your body and teeth. Becki, you really seem to live a healthy life style (and with the body to prove it). Do note that you have a sweet tooth, though.

    /An admirer

  2. Ohhh...have to try this. Please let me know which grocery store to hit up :O)
