Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lunch for two

Love my dates with my girls. Last Friday I met my agent at a wine bar in Los Feliz, talking and having so much fun for hours. Today I saw one of my best friends, for a lunch date that was way too long over due. I realized I had really missed her. We went to one of my favorite places in LA, Le Pain Quotidien, and chatted away between bites of their delicious open faced sandwiches. I need more of this! When living in such a big city like Los Angeles, far away from each other, there goes so much time between get togethers. It's so easy to let weeks and even months pass by sometimes. Ps. And when waiting for my friend a man walks up to me, telling me I'm so beautiful so he begs me to please marry one of his sons..! Hehe, that kind of made my day too, even though I naturally declined...


  1. I love that place and that man has good taste :O)

  2. VelosBunny, I agree on both accounts. My favorite is the chicken curry salad with cranberry chutney tartine. We should all go soon!!

  3. XO
    My favorite is the smoked mozzarella and chicken sandwich!
