Thursday, July 7, 2011

My head HURTS

I've had the worst headaches today. I woke up with with my head feeling really heavy and then gradually it became worse and worse. And finally it turned into a migraine and I've been in bed big parts of the day. Having such bad headache you're also feeling nauseous and need to lie down and when no pills help, that's just the worst. It's so boring too! Because watching TV or surfing or reading only makes it even worse so there is no other option, than just lying in a cool dark room. A friend of mine is having a birthday celebration tonight but instead of joining the fun, here I am, tucked in bed, feeling sorry for myself. Oh well, there is a new day tomorrow...


  1. I feel really sorry for you, Becki. I have a headache myself today.


  2. Armas pilt! MAS!

  3. Thank you! Feel better, you too.

  4. Sorry to read this post...hope you don't get those headaches again
