Saturday, July 9, 2011

Can you catch a dream?

I've started to sleep with a dream catcher above my bed. That's one of all the things I filled my bag with from the weeks on the road. I wish I could have brought this one with me, an enormous beautiful dream catcher found in Meteor City, Arizona. Native Americans believe the bad dreams get caught in the web while the good ones will slide down the feathers to you. So no more nightmares - allowing you waking up sound and refreshed, completely filled with good dreams. I've also heard the catcher will preserve the dreams people who love you may have for you. <3


  1. Wasn't there a movie called Dream Catcher? I believe Morgan Freeman was one of the actors. Anyway, sweet dreams, Becki!


  2. I'll make sure to check it out! Thanks!

  3. That is pretty you notice any difference with the dream catcher? I used to sleep with one when I was younger...
