Monday, July 25, 2011

Homemade Swedish Apple Pie

Ahh, the kitchen, or the entire apartment actually, smells lovely. I just opened the oven and brought out this one - a Swedish crumble apple pie. Mmm! To be served warm with custard. I've made it so many times back home. I miss the closeness with nature from the Swedish summers though, being able to go out in my parents backyard and pick apples or plums right from the tree and put them in a pie.


  1. May I have some?

  2. It looks so yummy!! I´d like to make one too.Could you show the recipe?

  3. That looks super delicious and I love the idea of picking fruit from the backyard and baking them... I wonder if you can try and grow miniature fruit trees on your balcony? hehehehehee
