Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just fabulous

How fabulous isn't this Alexander McQueen skull clutch for fall 2011. $1495. I want!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

David Beckham + H&M = true

David Beckham designs underwear. H&M will exclusively sell his body wear line around the world, starting February 2012, just in time for Valentine's Day. Now you all know what to give your man ;)

Friday, July 29, 2011


And my mom sent me another issue of one of my favorite Swedish magazines - Chic! Yay! What a nice surprise to find, when coming home tired after been stuck on the freeway forever after an audition in Santa Monica. I have the sweetest mom in the world.

Very true

I found this one in a magazine today. It says it's a Swedish proverb but I don't remember hearing it before...but it's a pretty good one. Don't you think?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday Night Dinner

Salmon on a bed of mixed greens, capers and tomatoes. Yum! Healthy AND tasty.

French fries, anyone?

They are delicious but would you wear them around your neck? :-)

The new it-bag

Mulberry's "the Carter" is the it-bag of the season. How do you like it? I wouldn't mind any one of those but perhaps my pick would be the first black one.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lunch for two

Love my dates with my girls. Last Friday I met my agent at a wine bar in Los Feliz, talking and having so much fun for hours. Today I saw one of my best friends, for a lunch date that was way too long over due. I realized I had really missed her. We went to one of my favorite places in LA, Le Pain Quotidien, and chatted away between bites of their delicious open faced sandwiches. I need more of this! When living in such a big city like Los Angeles, far away from each other, there goes so much time between get togethers. It's so easy to let weeks and even months pass by sometimes. Ps. And when waiting for my friend a man walks up to me, telling me I'm so beautiful so he begs me to please marry one of his sons..! Hehe, that kind of made my day too, even though I naturally declined...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On request: recipe! :-)

My Crumble Apple Pie
For 4 people

1,5 deciliters of flour
0,5 deciliters of suger
50 grams of butter
3 apples
2-3 tablespoons of suger

Mix sugar and flour. Add butter, cut into small pieces. Mix with your hands until it looks like bread crumbs. Peal the apples and slice them. Cover a greased pan with half of the sliced apples. Sprinkle some sugar on top. Add the rest of the apples and then cover with the crumbled flour mix. Put it in the oven in 250 Celsius (482 Fahrenheit) for 15 minutes. Lower the temperature to 175 Celsius (347 Fahrenheit) and continue baking for another 20-30 minutes. Serv warm with custard or vanilla ice cream. Good luck!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Homemade Swedish Apple Pie

Ahh, the kitchen, or the entire apartment actually, smells lovely. I just opened the oven and brought out this one - a Swedish crumble apple pie. Mmm! To be served warm with custard. I've made it so many times back home. I miss the closeness with nature from the Swedish summers though, being able to go out in my parents backyard and pick apples or plums right from the tree and put them in a pie.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So finally they won again!

My team, my boys from back home...after so much defeat and disappointments, me swearing I will never root for them again, and then finally they won! A July evening on a Southern Swedish soccer field, 5-1 and three very well needed points. And the perfect birthday gift for my dad <3

Praying for Norway

All my thought go out to my fellow Scandinavians in Norway. What has happened over there is so unimaginable cruel and heartbreaking, it's hard to believe it's really true. It's a scary thought to be a part of a world that can be so evil. Trying to remember though, it can also be anything but.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Only in America!

A Pizza & Cookie combo!

Another pretty necklace..

Manolo Blahnik for Tous! Someone really sweet gave this one to me in now I just have to get a pair of Manolos too and I'll be set ;)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Carpe Diem

Today I've been wearing this piece of jewelry around my neck. A beautiful pendant with the text "carpe diem" in Swedish. It's a gift from my mom and a message I need to think about every day. This reminds me of that.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A visit to Beverly Hills, resulted in me coming home with this treat...Mmm, I enjoyed every little delicious bite.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Greetings from sunny California

Right here, on a blanket, under the Southern Californian rays of light, is where I spent a couple of lazy hours after my audition today. Sometimes I really do like the freedom from having the kind of job I do.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A (Sun)day in LA

(Love your cowboy boots by the way, Miss! Look like the ones I got myself in Nashville.)
Wanted to be good and cleaned the apartment...and broke two 50's vases which I loved!! :(( worked on my new website, sat on the balcony and read fashion magazines in the sun, watched a couple of episodes of Project Runway, tried to cure a headache with lots of water and did a manicure = My Sunday. How was yours?

Friday, July 15, 2011

For me!

It traveled all the way from Sweden to my Los Angeles doorstep.
Just that well known handwriting made me happy. And inside - the treasure of my favorite magazines, some well thought out gifts and a handwritten note. I love Mom.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Curtain call

I've been hiding behind the curtains all day, haven't left my castle except for a balcony's breath of fresh air. Recharging some of those old batteries. I'm wishing for a more filled day tomorrow. Friday! And then the weekend. Weekend always feel special even though nothing is planned. Just the word sounds promising in itself. The end of a week and the start of something new.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And he captured an angel

I believe in angels so of course I love this one. Amber Valetta, Harper's Bazaar, 1993.

Mr Lindbergh

What an amazing photographer and artist he is. I adore his beautiful, emotional black&white world. Black and white photography is my favorite and he is just the master. Stunning.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Swedish good stuff

I just love Swedish food. Not just because I live over here and can't eat all the things I'm used to and now I simply miss it. I really do think most things taste so much better back home. And I feel that the food Swedes eat is a lot more diverse than here in the US. For lunch I just had one of my favorites, some "knackebrod" - a hard bread, that's very common in Sweden. It tastes so good with some ham or cheese and it's really healthy too. If I can, I'm always choosing this one over some white bread or anything like that. It's possible to find here in some well-assorted grocery stories, so go out and try it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Love on a Monday

A home cooked Pasta Bolognese and "Love and other drugs". That's how I spent my Monday night (and with a little too much of that yummy candy my mom brought from Sweden...I know I swore to be good and healthy but it was film time...I promise to be better tomorrow!) Oh and the movie? It was actually pretty ok. It didn't start too promising but evolved as it went on and wasn't quite as exaggerated as many other movies in that genre easily are. And Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal were both great!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hidden treasures

I love my "treasure box". I found it at the Fairfax fleamarket.
When feeling bored and at home by yourself, go on a treasure hunt in your own house! :-) Recently I've found so much fun things I didn't know I had. Like a really pretty Marc by Marc Jacobs bracelet, a pair of summer trousers I had completely forgotten about and a beautiful pin I knew my mom would be happy to receive. Digging through drawers and boxes and wardrobes and whatever seems to be hiding a treasure, gives you a gift all over again! :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Can you catch a dream?

I've started to sleep with a dream catcher above my bed. That's one of all the things I filled my bag with from the weeks on the road. I wish I could have brought this one with me, an enormous beautiful dream catcher found in Meteor City, Arizona. Native Americans believe the bad dreams get caught in the web while the good ones will slide down the feathers to you. So no more nightmares - allowing you waking up sound and refreshed, completely filled with good dreams. I've also heard the catcher will preserve the dreams people who love you may have for you. <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Catching up

I'm a magazine junkie. I subscribe to and read more than I can count, probably. All these glossy friends of mine are so great for photo shoot ideas, fashion tips, inspiration and just a moment of relaxation. Right now, after my vacation, I have the biggest pile of unread ones, waiting to at least be flipped through. And then when my mom was here, she brought me lots and lots of Swedish ones, so the relaxation has almost turned into "stress"....ok, here we go - I'm diving right in! :-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My head HURTS

I've had the worst headaches today. I woke up with with my head feeling really heavy and then gradually it became worse and worse. And finally it turned into a migraine and I've been in bed big parts of the day. Having such bad headache you're also feeling nauseous and need to lie down and when no pills help, that's just the worst. It's so boring too! Because watching TV or surfing or reading only makes it even worse so there is no other option, than just lying in a cool dark room. A friend of mine is having a birthday celebration tonight but instead of joining the fun, here I am, tucked in bed, feeling sorry for myself. Oh well, there is a new day tomorrow...

The best accessory

Wearing red nail polish instantly dresses up any outfit. Dressed in a basic T-shirt and jeans, adding the red really glams you up in second. I painted mine for an audition today, sometimes that can be the answer to that last thing that you feel are missing. And it makes even the ugliest feet look cute in summer sandals!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer fun

Yesterday I picked up the shorts I had custom made. I was so excited when I heard they were ready and went as soon as I could! I'm especially happy about how the light ones with the hearts turned out. I got the tips from a model wearing something similar on the cover of a magazine, but I think I like my version even more. Hope you like them too!

Good the new and improved healthy me

I have to start eating healthier, TODAY! Summer, road trip, 4th of July, birthday many excuses to indulge in delicious, but not so healthy things. I'm lucky not having to think very much about what I eat to stay thin, but because of that it can be hard for me turning sweets down. I have a serious sweet tooth! But I feel so much better and stronger when eating healthier. So here we go, back to being good! Sweets and desserts and "bad food" only on special occasions. Are you with me?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Time for tea!

A couple of hours to spare in the afternoon? Do like the Brits and stop by for a cup of tea and some scones and sandwiches! Chado Tea Room on W 3 rd Street is great. I went with my mom the other week and had a really nice mother/daughter time. Everything is so yummy and the classical music and decor very relaxing and cozy. A perfect alternative to all the busy Starbucks and Coffee Beans.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Hope all fellow Americans had a happy, fun Independence Day! I celebrated in the park with a really nice laid back picnic. Some cheese, bubbles, strawberries and just lots of relaxation.


I'm a natural blond but have been messing a bit with my hair color for work lately. So I went to the hair salon and sat in that dreaded chair for over three hours (I really don't enjoy having my hair done. I'm way too lazy and low maintenance to appreciate a salon visit). Finally done though and I came out looking more like my old natural colored self. How do you like it?

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Good night kiss from LA - Sweet dreams!

Are you lonesome tonight?

Try the King's Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich, straight out of Graceland! I'm not a big fan of peanut butter myself but this recipe is a classic so I'm thinking about making them sometime anyway.

2 large bananas
6 slices white bread
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1 cup peanut butter

Peel and mash bananas. Mix peanut butter with bananas thoroughly. Toast bread lightly and spread mix on bread. Melt butter in skillet and brown sandwiches on each side slowly until golden brown.

John Varvatos Artisan Black for Men

This guy and this ad look so cool. I noticed it right away when flipping through a GQ magazine. Makes me want to go out and buy it! I really am susceptible to ads.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Versace for H&M

Yes, it's true - Donatella Versace teams up with the Swedish clothing store chain! So exciting. Hits stores November 17.

I'm back! Diary of a vagabond

I've been on the road, a carefree vagabond with my great company in crime throughout the US and A -  a quick stop by legendary Baghdad Cafe in Newberry Springs before leaving California behind and then hello all the ghost towns along route 66, the little wild wild west town Oatman in Arizona, beautiful Santa Fe in New Mexico, the King's Memphis and country music mecca Nashville. So much beauty, so much fun, so much to explore. I could have stayed a lot longer. And the cowgirl wannabe in me never wanted to leave Texas...the charming Fort Worth Stockyards district treated me to Rodeo followed by a drink in a bar, sitting on saddles instead of a bar stool! I'm pretty sure I've must have been, if not a cowgirl, then at least a "Southern belle" in my previous life. I was like a crazy kid in a candy store running around "Southfork" ranch in Dallas. At last! JR wasn't home unfortunately but I'll catch him next time! :) A bag filled with Mardi Gras necklaces tells a story about some fun party nights in New Orleans, a dried out sunflower about the hundreds of them growing alongside the road, so close by I could open the car window and fetch one. And all the beautiful stones I collected along the way. One for each state, I'm sure. Life on the road is simple, no LA stress, no facebook, hardly any emails or phone calls, no home that needs to be cleaned or dishes that need to be done - instead a modest motel room that rests the body for the night and a white Cadillac ready to take me to new adventures in the morning. I might just dust those cowboy boots off and go again next year!