Sunday, May 20, 2012

What to expect when you're expecting

I give it 2 out of 5 strollers.
Of course I wanted to go and see this one. The opening Friday night craziness I passed on but I decided to give a matinee yesterday a try. I was worried if I would be able to take the 2 hours sitting in an uncomfortable movie chair though. But with my own soft pillow in tow and a heat patch on my back, it went much better than I would have thought. The movie on the other hand was much worse than I had expected. Still very nice to come out and see a movie but WHY do they always have to be so exaggerated and silly? "Less is more" even in comedy!


  1. I's comedies are often soooo over the top. Why doesn't Hollywood believe the moviegoer will get it without having to exaggerate? Is the average American truly so stupid?

    PS-Chris Rock looks HILARIOUS with his dual strollers and baby bjorn.
