Wednesday, May 9, 2012

25 things you (maybe) didn't know about me

1. I'm an Aquarius.
2. I hate beer.
3. I've visited over 20 countries.
4. When I was 17 I went to Tokyo by myself.
5. I got discovered by a model agent at the age of 14.
6. Very shortly afterwards I fell from a cliff and landed my face on a rock, went to the emergency room and had to sew two stitches.
7. I always saw the incident as a reminder that this industry can hurt you..
8. I still have the same stuffed animal I got when I was less than a year old.
9. I make the best frozen cheese cake.
10. I had my appendix taken out when I was 8.
11. I can make the ugliest faces.
12. My second name is Anna.
13. I'm a bit afraid of dogs.
14. I've written an unpublished novel.
15. My favorite drink is a Mojito.
16. I like a beard on a guy.
17. I'm secretly addicted to the TV show "Cops".
18. My first ever modeling job was a bridal shoot for "Vogue Sposa".
19. I have a background in journalism.
20. I think "less is more".
21. I started doing track&field when I was 9.
22. My favorite cleaning shore is dusting.
23. I love reading autobiographies about people I find interesting.
24. Gossip magazines is a guilty pleasure of mine.
25. I have a bit of a photographic memory.


  1. Thank you for giving us this information about you. (I would love to get more.) You must have your novel published. I am so looking forward to reading it.
    PS You look so beautiful (as usual).
    A fan

  2. Becki, this was so interesting and fascinating to read! You are so multifaceted! I agree with the comment above, please publish your book so we may read! I also agree that you look super beautiful as usual.

    /Also a fan
