Thursday, May 17, 2012

There came a book...

I love surprises and this one was really totally unexpected. A package on my door step waited there for me with my name on it. But I had know idea who it was from. My mom is usually the one who sends me fun packages and surprises in the mail and her handwriting I could differ from any other. I opened it up and it contained a book. First I didn't understand anything. Then it hit me. During a lunch get together a couple of weeks ago, me and my husband and a couple of friends talked about spirituality. As a follow up to this discussion, apparently they wanted to surprise us with this book. "The four spiritual laws of prosperity" - a simple guide to unlimited abundance. I'm very much looking forward to reading it. And thank you, dear friends! Such a sweet gesture.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful friends you have. Sounds like a book most of us could benefit from reading.
