Monday, May 21, 2012

Solar Eclipse

Photo from Wish I would have been able to capture my own.

Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? When the moon passes between the sun and the earth and the moon blocks most of the sun light. It feels special to have been able to be part of one, since it happens so very seldom and I will probably not be around when the next one is set to appear. According to a Mexican old wives tale, a pregnant woman isn't allowed to go out unless she's wearing red underwear and puts a safety pin on her clothes.. and as superstitious as I am, of course I had to follow...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What to expect when you're expecting

I give it 2 out of 5 strollers.
Of course I wanted to go and see this one. The opening Friday night craziness I passed on but I decided to give a matinee yesterday a try. I was worried if I would be able to take the 2 hours sitting in an uncomfortable movie chair though. But with my own soft pillow in tow and a heat patch on my back, it went much better than I would have thought. The movie on the other hand was much worse than I had expected. Still very nice to come out and see a movie but WHY do they always have to be so exaggerated and silly? "Less is more" even in comedy!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

On my balcony

Enjoying a non alcoholic glass of Chardonnay in the early evening sun on my balcony. (It tastes pretty much like grape juice but at least it's a bit more festive than regular juice or a soda.) This is probably the time of day I like the most - those last beams of sun before night takes over. Especially now in the spring or summer, it's just gorgeous. By the way, it's my Name's Day today...looking forward to see if someone is coming home to celebrate me... :)

There came a book...

I love surprises and this one was really totally unexpected. A package on my door step waited there for me with my name on it. But I had know idea who it was from. My mom is usually the one who sends me fun packages and surprises in the mail and her handwriting I could differ from any other. I opened it up and it contained a book. First I didn't understand anything. Then it hit me. During a lunch get together a couple of weeks ago, me and my husband and a couple of friends talked about spirituality. As a follow up to this discussion, apparently they wanted to surprise us with this book. "The four spiritual laws of prosperity" - a simple guide to unlimited abundance. I'm very much looking forward to reading it. And thank you, dear friends! Such a sweet gesture.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Walter Steiger

A curved heel on Walter Steiger's "Muse" shoe.

How do you like these popular Walter Steiger shoes? Victoria Beckham is a fan, among many others. I don't know myself...I think I like a classic heel more but could definitely be a fun option every now and then. Actually, I really do like the black one!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I too got celebrated today. My very first Mother's Day! Because even though the little one hasn't seen the day of light yet, I'm still a mom and I've been for quite a few months now. I got these really cute orange slice earrings from Marc Jacobs, as a fun reminder and symbol of what I've been craving the most during this time - oranges!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

M is for macarons

Some friends came over today to keep me company and brought some goodies. So sweet. And these macarons were very sweet as well... Mmm! From "lette macarons" in Beverly Hills.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Color of the day

Seems to be all about yellow for today. From the beautiful tulips greeting me on the kitchen table this morning, to the sliced orange for breakfast (I'm craving oranges like crazy right now..), to the nail polish I'm wearing on my nails to the MAIF soccer T-shirt with the autograph of my favorite player, found in the mail!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dirty Dancing

So sad he is gone.

I happened to put the TV on and noticed Dirty Dancing is airing right now. This classic movie is still a great favorite of mine. I don't know how many times I've seen it. The first time was here in the US when I was just about nine, on vacation with my family. Then my sister and I got the tape cassettes with the music from the movie and played them again and again back home. She had the biggest crush on Patrick Swayze and I remember this enormous poster on the wall in her room. I agree, he is just the epitome of a man as sexy bad boy Johnny Castle in this one. And I've never seen anyone move as manly as he does on the dance floor. Some of these scenes I can just watch over and over again. Romance at its best! Don't you agree, girls?

Fun from Jimmy Choo

A clutch with a surfer, catching that perfect wave.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

25 things you (maybe) didn't know about me

1. I'm an Aquarius.
2. I hate beer.
3. I've visited over 20 countries.
4. When I was 17 I went to Tokyo by myself.
5. I got discovered by a model agent at the age of 14.
6. Very shortly afterwards I fell from a cliff and landed my face on a rock, went to the emergency room and had to sew two stitches.
7. I always saw the incident as a reminder that this industry can hurt you..
8. I still have the same stuffed animal I got when I was less than a year old.
9. I make the best frozen cheese cake.
10. I had my appendix taken out when I was 8.
11. I can make the ugliest faces.
12. My second name is Anna.
13. I'm a bit afraid of dogs.
14. I've written an unpublished novel.
15. My favorite drink is a Mojito.
16. I like a beard on a guy.
17. I'm secretly addicted to the TV show "Cops".
18. My first ever modeling job was a bridal shoot for "Vogue Sposa".
19. I have a background in journalism.
20. I think "less is more".
21. I started doing track&field when I was 9.
22. My favorite cleaning shore is dusting.
23. I love reading autobiographies about people I find interesting.
24. Gossip magazines is a guilty pleasure of mine.
25. I have a bit of a photographic memory.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sweet news

A candy lover like me is always up to date about what's happening in that area...anyone in Sweden who has tried these yet? Looks like a very interesting new take of the old school "juleskum". But perhaps the classic version is the best?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pizza and Bvlgari

Last night's dinner at the local pizzeria turned out to be a gem. But not so much because of the food. Remember what I wrote back in August about the Bvlgari for Pellegrino collaboration?

"S. Pellegerino is teaming up with Italian jewelry designer Bvlgari and will release these water bottles in mid September. Perhaps you'll be lucky enough to eat at one of the luxury restaurants worldwide where they will be served. I wonder if it's possible to taste the glamour..."

So I got quite surprised when I ordered a bottle of sparkling water with my meal and the waiter brought out one of these! At Johnnie's Pizza place! A couple of extra ones had to come home with us too. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

In my shopping bag

I like a big eye catching ring and this one in gold with a dark red stone caught my eye. The earrings will look cute as a little splash of color with a black dress.
I went to the Grove today and came home with these goodies from Forever 21. That chain is extra good for me right now. I can find something cute without having to spend that much. I wouldn't go out and but a designer dress at this moment and then not be able to wear it much longer. Not that it would be too easy finding one that would fit the specific measurements either. This turquoise maxi dress is the same one as a black one that I already have and love so I thought I should get it in another color as well. It's the most comfortable dress ever and I can dress it up or down with different accessories. I've been noticing I'm wearing much more bold colors and prints at the moment than what I usually do. I don't really know why, but it will be interesting to see if I'll go back to my more usual color choices afterwards or not. I'm guessing I will.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


My favorite soccer team played against "giants" MFF today and managed to score 2-2. Quite an accomplishment since they were behind with 2-0 in the first half. Perhaps they could feel they have a new little supporter in the works cheering them on? :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New chicken dish

I tried this new recipe for chicken tonight. In my house everything with chicken is very popular. It's tasty, good for you with lots of protein and the options how to cook it are almost endless. This one was chicken breast in a marinade of soy, citrus, oil, minced garlic, paprika powder, curry and black pepper. Then you mix in some sour creme/creme fraiche and after 30 minutes in the oven - voila! I was afraid it would be too spicy but it wasn't at all. The flavors just mixed very well together and created a great combo. Served with brown rice it was delicious! Let me know if anyone would like the recipe? :)

Lovely Lace

I too, like the new lace trend for summer and got this pinkish dress from "Forever" waiting for me. It's a bit stretchy so I can actually wear it now too but I think it will look better with a slimmer belly. And high heels! Has a 60's feel to it with the sleeves, no?