Thursday, January 5, 2012

My LA life

The lights are shining outside of LACMA art museum at night.

Me doing my thing at a catalogue shoot.

The last photo of a long work day. When the sun is gone the model gets to go home!

Witnessing an amazing sunset on location for a shoot.

Beautiful Pacific Palisades was my work environment for a day. I love not having to be in an office!

Shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

Me on the screen for a commercial for the Forum Shops in Vegas.

And on set for a VISA commercial for the World Cup, playing a Dane!

Ordering a drink at a Thai restaurant in Beverly Hills and I was sure they had put me on the glass ;)

Spring in Los Angeles.

A friend's birthday party in Santa Monica.
I'm ready to strike a pose everywhere! Even at the parking structure at the Beverly Center on a day off.

Downtown LA through a window.
Getting to eat ice cream for a beauty shoot. (My makeup was supposed to embody"vanilla" too.)

My nieces back home asked me to send over some photos of USA. First I wondered: What is USA? How do I defy such a big thing into some pictures? The answer is of course, What is MY USA? That must be what they are interested anyway. And my USA is naturally my life here in Los Angeles.


  1. You seem to live a wonderful, amazing, exciting life, Becki! Thank you for sharing with your readers!

  2. It looks like you have a fantastic life there.
