Friday, January 6, 2012

Still Christmas (at least in my home)

This is one of my absolute favorite things in the world. My very last meal would probably contain of a really good caviar and Dom Perignon Champagne and I would be more than satisfied.
Yesterday it was "Trettondag afton", that's what we call it in Sweden and it's a red day in the calendar and something people celebrate. It's actually the day when the three wise men finally made it to see Jesus. So I lit the candles in the Christmas tree and cooked another nice meal: caviar toast, pork chops in a cream rosemary sauce with potato gratin and then Swedish glogg that was left over since Christmas and some maple fudge for dessert. The more reasons to celebrate, the better if you ask me. And I think people throw out Christmas way too early. My neighbors got rid of their Christmas tree even before New Years Eve! I was so upset when I walked out on the street and found a lonely and naked Christmas tree, leaning against one of the garbage bins. When there is Christmas only once a year why not make sure to fully enjoy it? But I'm definitely also all for making the everyday more festive. To never deprive yourself of a desert or something extra yummy for dinner or setting the table with your favorite china just because it's a "regular" day.

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