Monday, June 10, 2013

Me time

At last! 

"The blonde bombshell" wine. Haha, I like the "no man is safe"! :)

Yesterday afternoon I got some requested alone time. I love love being with my family but I also love just my own company sometimes, to be alone with my own thoughts for a while. But it's so strange, it's like I don't know how to relax anymore. The second I was alone at home, I first didn't know what to do at all and then I frantically started running around doing a little bit of everything - a load of laundry, cooking myself some scrambled eggs for a late lunch, a very hasty pedicure, went through some papers, checked the internet, cleaned up in the kitchen...pretty much everything I could see that needed to be done besides from just laying down and rest for a while. Crazy! But then finally I calmed down a bit, and dressed in my favorite pair of cozy paints, I sat down on the balcony, reading a magazine in the sunshine. When the boys came home again I had missed them and they even brought home a gift for mommy - a fun bottle of wine!

1 comment:

  1. The wine bottle is so Hollywoood!
