Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A captured moment

Here is my baby doing something that he loves - standing by the stereo and press all the buttons and by now he can even put the music on himself. Soon enough I'm sure he can pick a cd and put it in too, haha. He's very into electronics and no button in the entire home hasn't been explored by him. Isn't he super tall by the way? He looks so long standing here. Right now he's tall for his age. I wonder if he will continue to become really tall or if it's just at the moment. Kids grow so differently. But since both Mommy and Daddy are pretty tall I'm guessing he will be too.


  1. What is to become of this little guy?!

  2. An engineer perhaps? :) But his personality is much more one of an entertainer I think, so we'll see!

  3. A tall little viking. Perhaps a basketball player or a volleyball player? Or...maybe an engineer or an astronaut since he likes electronics and pushing buttons?
