Saturday, June 1, 2013

Birthday boy

And we've had a birthday in the precious baby boy has turned one!! One full year has gone by since he made me the happiest I've ever been, when he came into the world. Having watched him go from a newborn little bundle to a big boy taking his first steps and saying "mamma" has been beyond fantastic and rewarding. And really tough too at times of course. Being a parent doesn't come with a manual and you have to figure it all out. Perhaps things that are so wonderful are also the toughest because it's what matters the most to you that bring out all the emotions in you. Happy first birthday to the most wonderful little guy I've ever know. Being your mom is the is the biggest joy life could bring.


  1. Happy Birthday sweet little boy. And Happy 1-year Being a Mom Anniversary to you, Becki.

  2. What spectacular, delicious cakes! Home made,I'm sure.

  3. Thank you so much. Yes, me and my mom locked ourselves in the kitchen for days :)
