Saturday, June 29, 2013

At the balcony

Last night: Chardonnay and soap bubbles. The wine I felt I had deserved and the can of bubbles was still there from earlier during the day when I was blowing some for my son. But he ended up getting annoyed when he wasn't allowed to try it himself and then the fun was over :) So this was much more relaxing.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hot burgers

Basil/pesto dressing..yummi

Summer is definitely in full bloom and the California heat is so incredibly hot during the day. Way too hot to my liking. But around seven or so the worst of the intensity is gone and it's possible to sit outside and enjoy a meal. So we celebrated the almost weekend with a visit at the burger place around the corner. Nothing fancy but a nice place and I actually like their burgers too - probably because you get to design your own. And if there is something they are good at here in the US it's customer service.. They forgot to put the cheese on my burger and when I pointed it out, I got it on the side and $7 off our order. Pretty good deal, right? ;)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A captured moment

Here is my baby doing something that he loves - standing by the stereo and press all the buttons and by now he can even put the music on himself. Soon enough I'm sure he can pick a cd and put it in too, haha. He's very into electronics and no button in the entire home hasn't been explored by him. Isn't he super tall by the way? He looks so long standing here. Right now he's tall for his age. I wonder if he will continue to become really tall or if it's just at the moment. Kids grow so differently. But since both Mommy and Daddy are pretty tall I'm guessing he will be too.

Monday, June 24, 2013

My hat and I

Big hat - Small guy ♥


Voila! "Karleksmums" on my son's Pippi Longstocking table cover

Or at least it's a first attempt to one. I miss baking and just don't have the time to do it like I used to. You know me, I used to bake all the time, right? But yesterday when the guys were out on a long walk I decided to make my favorite cakes. And then after little guy was put to bed for the night I had way to many and we watched three episodes of the Office. That's or new series of choice to relax with after a long day. I never saw it when it was on TV but so far I really like it - it's really funny.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Midsummer Day

At some friend's house we continued the celebration and celebrated Midsummer Day as well. Another day with sill, snaps, lox and all the other good stuff. That is something fun about being a Swede living abroad - the ties to your country and the sense of where you come from only gets stronger in many ways. I'm never as Swedish as when I'm not there. But at the same time my feeling of being an American gets stronger for every day I'm spending here.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I got to sleep in this morning and woke up to an empty living room. I felt so much love when noticing the traces a very special someone had left after him ♥

Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Swedish Midsummer!

Can a powder make you happy?

"Happy Booster" - a bronzing shimmer that has a mood boosting effect! If it were that easy...But since I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, I'll put some on and see..

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Round or square?

A bit blurry..sorry

Celebrating anniversaries brings nice gifts... :) Check out my new cool bracelet. I would like to wear it so it falls freely and ends up the way it decides to by itself.

Monday, June 17, 2013


I don't know what to say about this...more than just shake my head and say "USA" I guess... :) Creamers to put in your coffee to make it taste like a cinnamon bun or a mint cookie or something else sweet that you might want to eat WITH your coffee but not drink..

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daddy's Day

Today it's Father's Day here in the US and just like Mother's Day it's a very big celebration and "jippo". I think it's nice though, to show some extra love and appreciation to all the wonderful daddies. My son sure has one. A long walk, then lunch at an old favorite - "Joan's on Third" and finally a visit to the Kids Museum on Wilshire Blvd is how we choose to spend the day ♥

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Last night

Sweater - Rinascemento, Top - Gap, Jeans - Ralph Lauren, Heels - Diane von Furstenberg, Clutch - Marc by Marc Jacobs

Right before heading out to see an old girlfriend for a night out. I don't do this very often anymore, understandably. It's a lot of fun every now and then though and to have some wine after a long week and relax a bit can be quite needed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Waiting for the big garbage truck to come. Thursday mornings our cans get emptied by this enormous green truck. My son already has different mini ones to play with so I'm thinking a big real one must be exciting. So every Thursday morning we stand there by the window to see it drive by.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Last time I...

I was going through and old issue of People Magazine and their cover girl Gweneth Paltrow was answering these questions. Here I give you mine :)

Ate sugar
All the time! Every day! First of all there is all the hidden sugar that most of us get somehow every day in something we eat. And then I'm just the biggest sucker for sweets so I got to have something. I try to get better at it but I also think it's better to indulge a little bit than to deprive yourself and then that's all you end up thinking about.

Stepped on a scale
When I was pregnant and right after for post checkups I stepped on scales but I never looked. I haven't weighed myself for over 15 years I think. I just feel a lot better looking in the mirror and feeling how the jeans fit instead of focusing on a number.

Got a spray tan
I've only gotten one spray tan in my life what I can remember. It was some years ago here in LA. I had won a modeling competition and was taking photos in a bikini for the magazine cover and they suggested a spray tan. It felt a bit odd standing there very bare with a woman spraying on me but afterwards it looked really good.

Went to Target
A couple of weekends ago we went there to return something and to pick up some stuff. There is always something to get at Target - diapers and laundry detergent if nothing else.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Isabel Marant for H&M

This fall's guest designer for H&M will be French "boho chic" designer Isabel Marant. Considering she's one of the absolute most popular designers at the moment, it's pretty exciting. Guessing this one will sell out quickly...

Book worm

It makes me happy to find my son's books so "read" that Mommy needs to fix them with Scotch tape. Books are supposed to be loved like that. I come from a home where we always read a lot. I've been reading to my son since the day he was born. (Btw, the colorful background that has been in more than one of my photos is a huge play mat that is covering big parts of our living room. I always said I wouldn't let the house be taken over by toys... hmm, so easy to say things before you have kids yourself..)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Me time

At last! 

"The blonde bombshell" wine. Haha, I like the "no man is safe"! :)

Yesterday afternoon I got some requested alone time. I love love being with my family but I also love just my own company sometimes, to be alone with my own thoughts for a while. But it's so strange, it's like I don't know how to relax anymore. The second I was alone at home, I first didn't know what to do at all and then I frantically started running around doing a little bit of everything - a load of laundry, cooking myself some scrambled eggs for a late lunch, a very hasty pedicure, went through some papers, checked the internet, cleaned up in the kitchen...pretty much everything I could see that needed to be done besides from just laying down and rest for a while. Crazy! But then finally I calmed down a bit, and dressed in my favorite pair of cozy paints, I sat down on the balcony, reading a magazine in the sunshine. When the boys came home again I had missed them and they even brought home a gift for mommy - a fun bottle of wine!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I've realized I'm a bit obsessed with trees. I notice them everywhere I go and can't resist photographing them. Beautiful flowers will capture my eye too but there is something so majestic with a tall tree and its branches reaching up and chasing the sky. LA is full of them. And I'll never grow tired of seeing them on my daily out and abouts. This particular one is decorating the walk to my handbag & shoe repair place close to my home. Something else I never grow tired of in LA are palm trees. And the Hollywood sign.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Barbeque in Los Feliz

So good!

Invited over at some friends' new house in Los Feliz we enjoyed a nice summer evening with barbeque, wine and (mostly) happy kids.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sweetslovin' Swede

I'm sure it's a habit that easily could be broken (or maybe not easily...) but like so many others I usually crash a bit in energy levels during the afternoon and need to indulge in some sugar... So great to then have a cabinet full of yummy treats that my parents brought with them from Sweden!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stripes and stripes...

This is what it looks like after I'm hanging up my laundry to dry...stripes and more stripes... :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Panda Cake

By the way, the super cute Panda Cake at my son's birthday is not just any cake. My mom made it for me and my sister on our first birthdays and she has continued to make it for all my nieces and now also for my son. I love traditions like that and it was a special thing to see my son get to enjoy it just like his mom did years ago.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The prettiest flower

My son picked me a flower today! In the park he grabbed a little yellow flower growing from the grass and gave it to me. He usually hands me almost everything in sight but I still saw this as a nice gesture :) Aww! Beats any fancy bouquet.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jazz Night

Another Friday jazz night at Lacma.

Birthday boy

And we've had a birthday in the precious baby boy has turned one!! One full year has gone by since he made me the happiest I've ever been, when he came into the world. Having watched him go from a newborn little bundle to a big boy taking his first steps and saying "mamma" has been beyond fantastic and rewarding. And really tough too at times of course. Being a parent doesn't come with a manual and you have to figure it all out. Perhaps things that are so wonderful are also the toughest because it's what matters the most to you that bring out all the emotions in you. Happy first birthday to the most wonderful little guy I've ever know. Being your mom is the is the biggest joy life could bring.