Monday, January 7, 2013

Sitting up

My son is sitting up so nicely now. Every milestone is being captured by proud parents cheering him on behind the camera lens. Mommy's little guy ❤ He'll be a year in the blink of an eye, I'm sure. Being a parent is the hardest and most wonderful thing I've ever done. Why it's hard? Because I care soo much. I want to be super mom and do everything possible I can for him. But in all of that remember to find some time to take care of mommy too.


  1. Ah, your little son, already so "big"! He is so cute! And you are a super mom, I am sure of that.

    1. Thank you so much. And of course I too think he's the cutest little boy in the world :)

  2. Yes, if you make sure to take care of yourself, then you will f to bind the strength to be even more "super" toward your little cute son.
