Monday, January 7, 2013

Down the memory lane

Sitting here, drinking a cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream and thinking of three things - the very same ones I always start thinking about the second I pour the milk and the chocolate in the cup.

* My birthday mornings growing up. The tray filled with presents, a homemade bun and a cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream. If I was awake, lying in my bed, I might hear the sound of the electric mixer in the kitchen, knowing I was soon about to be celebrated. I almost looked forward to the chocolate just as much as opening up the gifts. One delightful sip and I instantly knew it was my birthday.

* Sleepovers at Grandma's and Grandpa's. Everything was exciting about coming to their place but the mornings might have been the best part. To sit with my sister in their cozy little kitchen in our nightgowns and eat breakfast and drink Grandma's hot cocoa that she made for us. And she made it by herself the old school way, mixing sugar with cocoa powder, and I remember we were so impressed by that :)

* Being pregnant I cut down on caffeine and instead of my regular cup of coffee in the morning I could start the day with something as yummy as this. Those 9 months were very special and this little treat brings me back to that time.


  1. You are a wonderful teller. I love to read your texts. They are so vivid.

  2. That makes me happy to hear. For being relatively young I'm really nostalgic and love to collect stories.

  3. Those are really sweet memories. I'll think of you next time I drink hot cocoa. :)
