Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A year has passed, a new one has entered

Ta da!

Jet lagged an tired and still recovering a little bit, it was a quiet New Years Eve at home for me this year. Oh, how we struggled to keep our eyes open and stay awake until 12. But we did it! Dressed in my pj:s I stood on the balcony and toasted the new year. Becoming a mom was naturally the most wonderful thing for me, so saying good bye to the fantastic year that brought me my bundle of joy was a bit bittersweet, but now I'm lucky getting to experience every new day with him by my side ❤ Hello 2013.


  1. You look dazzling! I can see it has been a good year, and I do hope so will 2013 be.

  2. Happy New Year Becki and Little One!!
