Sunday, August 5, 2012

MY time

Mmm. Have I told you I make the best tiramisu btw? :)

A friend in the park. And a ladybug landed on me. Doesn't that mean good luck?

Looks like I was missed too!
Mommy got some alone time today. No chores, no musts, just being me for a while. So I went to the nearby park, stopped by at Starbucks first and ordered a latte and a little tiramisu cake lollipop and then hit the grass with my magazine and bare feet. Ah, lovely! I used to do do this so often before, when I was free from auditions during the day. But I don't think it's been as appreciated as right now. Everyone needs some alone time every once in a while. Then after an hour or so I started missing a certain one or two...and went home again, a little bit more refreshed and energized.


  1. Someone really loves you it seems!!

  2. "alone time" is important, I think. Good initiative! :)
