Thursday, August 23, 2012

Favorite from the past

Look what I've been eating way too many of....After Eight, an old school classic and still a favorite of mine. "Just one more...." Isn't that a classic too? And then all of a sudden the box or bag or whatever you're eating from is empty! I remember when I was little, mom had this little stand that looked like a cart that she put the box in and we always used to joke, "Is it after eight now? Are we allowed to eat them?" Or sometimes we melted the chocolate squares and ate them with pear halves as a dessert. That's another thing that is so great with what we indulge in, all the memories that come with.


  1. You seem to have so many wonderful memories and you always tell us about them so vividly.Thank you.

  2. Thank you, I really am full of memories. And I had a wonderful childhood were I started collecting them. Eventually all the memories sum up who we have become.

  3. It's funny, a lot of my childhood memories involve something edible.

