Sunday, August 19, 2012

Good morning... Newberry Springs and everywhere else. I like having my cup of tea or coffee in a personal cup like that, a little souvenir from a fun trip or occasion. My cupboard has tons of them. Then I sit there and sip the warm drink and remember it all over again. Like this one, from Baghdad Cafe in Newberry Springs on last summer's road trip. That is the best trip I've ever been to. I got to share it with people I love and together we experienced so much. Baghdad Cafe happened by accident. We drove through the desert and all of a sudden it appeared in front of us. Remembering it from the movie, of course we had to make a stop. And those unplanned events usually turn out to be the most memorable ones. A road trip is always filled with them. All those little adventures along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Becki, you have such a beautiful way of expressing yourself.

    /A fan
