Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Meatballs galore

I make the best Swedish meatballs (if I may say so myself..), right after my grandma and mom of course! It's a bit time consuming rolling all those little goodies, but definitely worth it in the end. And it's actually quite therapeutic as well. I put on some music and let my thoughts wander, while the scent of Swedish traditions fill my American kitchen.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Fuel for the eyes

My whole Sunday was spent in the desert. Not shopping Prada (!) but shooting a commercial. While having a break in front of the camera, I took the time to capture some moments of my own. All the places I get to see that I perhaps never would visit otherwise, that's one of the parts I like the most about my job. Even though it was a pretty challenging shoot, not at least those strong cold desert winds, I take with me the beauty of the set. I'll probably choose this any day over being stuck in an office somewhere.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Deserted Prada

Someone just told me about a Prada store in the desert of Texas. The place is called Marfa and is in the middle of nowhere. Just a Prada boutique and nothing else. So cool!!


We grown-ups just laugh way too seldom! I don't know if I laugh even once daily, do you? I smile a lot but that's not the same as laughing. It's such a shame one has to become so serious as a part of growing up. I don't think anyone planned it, it just sort of happened along with everything else. All the responsibilities, the high demands.
When I do laugh, really really hard, I remember that moment for a long time and I truly treasure it. As a child, I think I took laughter for granted. It was so common for me. Today, at those times when I'm visiting my sister, we often laugh a lot. Heartfelt, giggly, uncontrolled. Together, we find that childhood feeling again.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I just came home...

from a 12 hour commercial shoot and need my beauty sleep for day two tomorrow...
Good night...ZZZ

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And for my cowboy....

something like these perhaps...

I wanna be a cowgirl

I spent the day thinking about, and shopping, outfits for my upcoming road trip to the American South this summer. I want to look the part...lot's of denim, boots and simple white dresses. I went in so many stores searching for what I had in mind. Then I found a pair of dark washed wide-legged jeans and a light vintage-looking jeans shirt at Gap. Gap is definitely great for casual jeans and basic T-shirts and tops. This shirt will be perfect for those warm summer nights on the go - I can just throw it on whatever I'm wearing. (And of course it works just as good for winter too). Texas, here I come!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Always two at once, why is that?

All fun things always happen at the same time! Especially in my line of work, that's so common. Like this afternoon, I got a phone call about a catalogue shoot on Thursday and I'm already booked on a commercial Thursday. Why couldn't one of those jobs be today instead, or tomorrow, or next week, when I'm not working? Or I get so many auditions one particular day that I possible can't make them all, and then there is none for the rest of the week. It's typical.

It's the same with social things too, two major happenings the same Saturday - both your best friend's birthday party and the long awaited Vegas trip, but an empty calendar the following weekend. But this is a pretty good problem, I guess. It's a lot better that good things come in twos or threes, than that nothing would ever happen at all.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Forever 21 really is the best place for cute, inexpensive costume jewelry. It's so fun walking around there, taking your time trying on different looks. I went there today and bought these cute rings and bracelets. The bottom one is a bracelet as well, covering almost half the arm. I love to accessorize but I never wear too much at a time, so that one will probably be worn by itself. "Less IS More"!

We won!


Good morning! And the memory of a latte in Milan

One summer when I was in Milan modeling, just out of high school, Paula, who lived in the model apartment next door to me, made me my first latte. She was a bit older than I and from Stockholm and someone I was looking up to. I was happy to be sitting there in her kitchen, drinking coffee with her and talking about the crazy modeling world we left our Swedish summer for.
And it looked so easy, just warm the milk and then pour it over the coffee, as Paula explained it! When I came home I made lattes all the time, but for some reason it didn't taste quite the same as it did in Paula's kitchen. The taste of Italy and fashion wasn't in the cup.
Nowadays, I have to have a cup of coffee every morning, Milan Style or not. I don't know if it really wakes me up, or perhaps only the thought of it does. Either way, I'm just not ready to take on my day until I've had my first sip.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My heart is yellow&black

Ever since my dad took me to my first soccer game years ago, I've been crazy for the sport. And for a small yellow&black team, in particular. Now playing in the top division again, for the first time since the mid 80's, it's such a loss for me to not be there, standing next to my dad, cheering them on. I used to say I would move back home, if they would ever qualify that high. Perhaps I didn't think it would be possible, I don't know. Anyway, I still haven't traded my LA life for the charm of one in a small town in Southern Sweden. But once every week, there is a girl in LA, crossing her fingers for 11 guys, on the other side of the Atlantic.



I'm about to design some new jeans shorts for the summer and did some research online to see if I could get any fun ideas. This was actually the very first image coming up... Hmm, thanks but no thanks! I don't think so :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


It's never boring in Los Angeles. Perhaps that's a reason why I feel time passes much quicker here, than any other place I've ever been to. "Time flies when you are having fun", that's how we say it in Sweden.
First coming here, I was pretty scared and overwhelmed. I didn't dare to drive (especially not on the freeways!) and everything felt like just one big chunk of city in front of me. Intrigued of course, but lost. Now I've learned that you have to make it Yours, your very own version of the city. It will be a different one for every Angeleno. I love the combination of privacy, but to always be surrounded by people, the excitement for the unknown, but the comfort of your neighborhood. And that there is always something to do, always something new to see. Living here, there is not one day when you have to wake up and be completely at loss about how to spend your day or night. Yesterday evening I went to see some friends in a jazz band perform at the House of Blues on Sunset and ended it with a slice of pizza and a glass of wine over at Farmer's Market, overhearing the happy and buzzed karaoke singers. Tonight - a movie date, perhaps followed by a party in the Hollywood Hills. But first, hoping for an early summer tan at Hermosa Beach.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The daily dose of sun

I'm lucky to be living next to a big park. There, in the green grass, with a magazine or an ipod, I let the busy world go on without me in it for a while.

I heart stripes

I have always loved stripes! I find them so fresh, fun, casual and I think everyone can wear them. No matter personal style or age, there is a way to incorporate stripes into your look. And they never go out of style. Stripes can be cute and navy-like or a bit more edgy, like this black&white vintage dress I wore for a shoot in the desert. I have tons and tons of striped t-shirts and tops. But also several dresses. All of them black&white actually, or white&black. I like wearing them with a fitted leather jacket, black tights, and of course high heels. This one was a gift to me. I think the one who gave it to me made it herself, back in the day. See, stripes have always been hot!

Yummy energi

The Snickers energy bars are probably the tastiest ones out there. I try to put one in every single one of my handbags, always in handy when I suddenly realize I'm starving. It doesn't have that common "protein-bar taste" but is still filled with lots of vitamins and at least 10 grams of protein. It tastes almost as good as a real Snickers (only almost because Snickers chocolate bars really are the yummiest!) and gives you nothing but nutrients. It's a winner!

I know the Secret..

A skin care line I'm happy to be working with.
Younger-looking, firm, hydrated skin. These products really are wonderful.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Knots Landing & the show of all times....DALLAS! My fascination for the 80's soap operas

My current "after-boxing-class treat" is Knots Landing, the 80's soap opera about four married couples in a Los Angeles suburb in California. It's a spin-off to Dallas, my favorite TV show of all time, and only one among all the TV classics I'm addicted to. I don't know why I've always been so fascinated with 80's soap operas. Most likely it's the outrageous fashion, the over-the-top characters and the good vs evil. And probably also all the memories I have from them growing up. Me and my sister glued to the TV every Saturday with the biggest pile of popcorn, mom could ever make, between us. Even back then I loved traditions. Never a Saturday evening without JR Ewing. The characteristic intro showing images of Texas. The beautiful cast smiling welcoming towards two sisters from a small town, somewhere completely elsewhere. As a kid I thought that just must be the coolest place on earth. Enormous skyscrapers reaching the sky and men walking the streets with cowboy hats and boots. In Sweden we had neither. Ever since then, I've dreamed of visiting Dallas.

The Idol
And then of course there were Dynasty, Falcon Crest... we saw all of them. My sister always rooted for Alexis and I was "team Blake and Chrystle". The discussions and disagreements we had, that was all part of the fun. ( Lance we were probably both in love with :) ) But there is no character I've found as fascinating as JR Ewing. He is the only bad guy I've ever excused everything. His charm really lets him get away with murder. I think it's because his persona is so complex. Evil yes, but also very vulnerable and capable of loving those closest to him. I'm so excited to see a bit of his Dallas this summer when I'll FINALLY be visiting the Lone Star State. The kid in me can't wait! :))

And about the subject pink...Don't forget the small things along the way.

When out walking the other day, I passed these not far from my house. I have become a lot better at noticing things like this and to "stop and smell the flowers" lately, I think. But I'm working on it even more. To not just rush by. Especially in a city like Los Angeles it's so easy to. Always at a fast pace, always with a determined goal in mind. It's a shame. You do miss so much.

A pink Thursday

It may be rather trivial, but painting your nails or lips in a bright pink color really gives your mood an instant little boost!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Boxing date

It's boxing night every Wednesday for me. Hump day - mid week and the perfect time to get aggressions out and recharge your batteries for what's about to come. And afterwards, the treat of a long warm shower, Mexican take out and a good movie or TV show! I love traditions like that. I think they give stability and something to look forward to.

Styles For Less

I'm the face of Styles For Less spring/summer - visit a store and check me out!

I want...

a pair just like these for summer - so cute with a grey or white top. And tanned legs of course!


I woke up this morning to rain. There are not a lot of things cozier, than lying in your warm bed hearing the raindrops hitting the window. But when you're ready to get up, you do want that sun to shine through. It took a while, but now it's hiding behind the curtains. I think I'm ready for this Wednesday now.