Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fast Food

Mmm, haloumi cheese.

The little family had dinner at a nice Greek restaurant last night. That is, we were hungry and bold...Oh, what a different experience it is to eat when you're three compared to two... Long gone are the days when you can sit back, relax, take your time, read the menu carefully over and over again. Instead, a quick stroll at the different options, praying the food will come in early and then one sits with the little one in the lap, or pulls the stroller back and forth while holding the fork in the other hand. And the other one, eating as fast as possible, chewing chewing.. getting ready to take over :) But wouldn't for the world want it any other way! <3


  1. Yes, sounds like a bit of a challenge, but also like you had a wonderful evening. And I applaud the effort. I'm sure there are many parents with newborns who don't even try and just stay at home.

  2. I agree, you have to give it a try!
