Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dreaming of fall

My new native American inspired feet warmers.
When it's fall and winter I love to put my feet in a warm pair of slippers the first thing I do when I go out of bed in the morning. And it has actually been a little bit chillier in the mornings these past days. So a pair of new slippers came home with me today. My old ones were so loved and worn out they ended up in the garbage bin when the cold winter months were over. Hoping, hoping for some fall ahead of us soon. I mean it's already October...only two more months and it's Christmas! I want to wear my fall wardrobe NOW, so tired of jeans shorts and tops and sandals. Instead I want to be dressed in lovely knitted scarves and thick cardigans and boots and beanies. And drink chai lattes and cozy up under a blanket...oh yes, please!


  1. Come to Sweden! Also in the very south of Sweden you now have to wear boots, warm coats, knitted scarves and gloves. And this morning when I looked out through the window,I saw the ground covered with frost.

  2. Sounds good to me! I'm sure I'll get tired of that soon too though, never pleased... :)

  3. I love your new slippers!!

  4. Åhhhhh, sådana vill Gabrin också ha :-)

  5. De ar jatteskona och fina! :) Tyvarr finns de inte kvar, annars hade jag garna fixat sadana at dig!

    1. Tanken som räknas ju ❤❤❤
