Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Swedish Chef


I had a very productive day in the kitchen today. I just got inspired I guess and felt I haven't gotten busy in there for some time. So I started with an omelette filled with different chopped vegetables for lunch and then I made pork chops with oven roasted potatoes&vegetables for dinner. And in between - a delicious chocolate cake that was meant to be served as dessert but when I took it out of the oven my husband just got home from work and we just started eating it immediately! I was only going to sample it with a little teaspoon to see if it was ready... but then we tried one more and one more....well, nothing ever tastes as good as when coming directly out of the oven so why wait! By the way, I'm sure I have a little baker in the works at home. Little guy kept me company all the time and I told him about everything I was doing and let him smell the batter and every time he looked up at me and smiled. I can't wait for him to start baking with me. I've baked a lot with my nieces in the past. Sticky little fingers that want to help. It's so very cute <3

1 comment:

  1. What a busy day in the kitchen!How good that you had a little helper who could "tell" you that it smelled and looked nice.
