Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yes, please!

Macarons from Laduree and box designed by Lanvin. Yes, I'll have a cookie (and the box!) please!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Have I ever...

....told you I'm ready for fall? Even more so now after this lovely knitted sweater from Joie moved into my wardrobe today. Thanks honey! :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

From Grandma

Two super cute new pacifiers in the mail.

Au naturel

Supermodels the natural way.

Back home again from my shoot this morning. After feeding my baby, making myself ready and calling mom who has a birthday today, I went down to the Santa Monica pier where we shot. Completely sans makeup actually. I've done that one other time in the past and it feels a bit odd because as a model it's a comfort to hide behind a layer of makeup so you don't feel so naked in front of the lens. But if it works out, the images will be the most beautiful ones because they will be so much YOU.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Master

Looking for ideas for an upcoming photo shoot...inspiration from the best - Peter Lindbergh.

Baby Lips

I recently found these colored lip balms from Maybelline at the drugstore. I got number four and six from the left, one in a nude/beige color and the other one is pinkish. They moisturize my lips which have a tendency to get dry easily and give them a subtle color without looking overdone. $3.99 each, a great buy!

Date Night

Some images from last night.

On the way over to the evening's restaurant - passing the two things that are very prominent over here at the moment. Halloween decorations and signs of the upcoming election. And then me, happy to be able to wear a leather jacket again.

A yellow leaf fell from the tree and landed on our table. I saw it as a sign of fall. But the strong winds from Santa Ana brought a storm last night and unfortunately warm weather today. Still waiting for fall...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Swedish Chef


I had a very productive day in the kitchen today. I just got inspired I guess and felt I haven't gotten busy in there for some time. So I started with an omelette filled with different chopped vegetables for lunch and then I made pork chops with oven roasted potatoes&vegetables for dinner. And in between - a delicious chocolate cake that was meant to be served as dessert but when I took it out of the oven my husband just got home from work and we just started eating it immediately! I was only going to sample it with a little teaspoon to see if it was ready... but then we tried one more and one more....well, nothing ever tastes as good as when coming directly out of the oven so why wait! By the way, I'm sure I have a little baker in the works at home. Little guy kept me company all the time and I told him about everything I was doing and let him smell the batter and every time he looked up at me and smiled. I can't wait for him to start baking with me. I've baked a lot with my nieces in the past. Sticky little fingers that want to help. It's so very cute <3

Color of the day

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Oxblood for fall

This hot color really is everywhere on fall fashion, from dresses to bags to nail polish to lips. I like it a lot and the handbag I wore last night was in this hue. Bright red isn't something I'm wearing very often but this darker, warmer shade looks great on everyone.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mommy's night out

I'm wearing: Shirt from Forever 21, Jeans Acne, Shoes Victor&Rolf, Handbag - a vintage find.

After putting my baby to sleep for the night I put on the high heels and went out for something to eat and drink with my agent. I haven't seen her in a while and it was really nice to catch up. We went to a bar/bistro in the neighborhood that we both have been wanting to try out. The food was delicious but the crowd could have been a little more fun. We still had a great time though. Now, tucked in bed longing for some good hours of sleep. Mommies don't have Saturdays off!

What color?

I don't get to wear color on my nails that much anymore. It just takes a lot of time that I don't really have. Things like that are considered "extra" for me now a day's, like something I do if I have some time over or if I'm doing something special. I think a great nail color can lift an outfit though. So tonight when going out for dinner I'm thinking I'll use some. Question is which one..

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New baby boy

We got him an All about me book to fill out the first smile, first laughter, tooth etc. And to put in family photos and more. I have one for my son and I'm excited to fill it with memories for him.

Our new neighbors just welcomed a little boy to the world. So our boy is of course excited to get a buddy so close by. And mommy too. We also have another mommy/baby duo we've been spending a lot of time with lately. It's really nice getting to share little stories and tips with someone experiencing the same thing.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend fun

Sunglasses - Gucci, Top - Ella Moss, Jeans shorts - J&Company, Bag - Marc by Marc Jacobs, Shoes - Adrienne Vittadini

I had such a fun and busy weekend. Double date with different moms and guys and little babies, the longest lunch and stroll in Beverly Hills and a taco fiesta in a very hot San Fernando valley. And in between, some flea market shopping at the Melrose/Farirfax trading post & a nearby moving sale. We found a dresser for the little prince for only 20 bucks and I got a pretty bracelet. Now - I'm ready for bed! Having a good time is hard work :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ice cream, ice cream!

Sale on ice cream at the store today. Sometimes more is more :)

International Girls Day

I just read it's International Girls Day today. So that means of course we should get to pamper ourselves a little bit extra. I actually already got a one hour relaxing massage yesterday but I wouldn't mind continuing to do a little something special for myself. A latte and a magazine at Starbucks is next on the wishlist if my little boss allows it that is...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dreaming of fall

My new native American inspired feet warmers.
When it's fall and winter I love to put my feet in a warm pair of slippers the first thing I do when I go out of bed in the morning. And it has actually been a little bit chillier in the mornings these past days. So a pair of new slippers came home with me today. My old ones were so loved and worn out they ended up in the garbage bin when the cold winter months were over. Hoping, hoping for some fall ahead of us soon. I mean it's already October...only two more months and it's Christmas! I want to wear my fall wardrobe NOW, so tired of jeans shorts and tops and sandals. Instead I want to be dressed in lovely knitted scarves and thick cardigans and boots and beanies. And drink chai lattes and cozy up under a blanket...oh yes, please!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fast Food

Mmm, haloumi cheese.

The little family had dinner at a nice Greek restaurant last night. That is, we were hungry and bold...Oh, what a different experience it is to eat when you're three compared to two... Long gone are the days when you can sit back, relax, take your time, read the menu carefully over and over again. Instead, a quick stroll at the different options, praying the food will come in early and then one sits with the little one in the lap, or pulls the stroller back and forth while holding the fork in the other hand. And the other one, eating as fast as possible, chewing chewing.. getting ready to take over :) But wouldn't for the world want it any other way! <3

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cute mess

My son goes through so many bibs I always need to have a new one handy. It's a shame having to hide his cute little outfit of course but it's easier switching a bib than clothes. This one we bought today on a walk with the stroller. I'm guessing it will be one of mom's favorites..

Hurray for the Cinnamon bun!

Unfortunately I didn't have any Swedish pearl sugar at home. I wish I would have known sooner, when we went to IKEA the other weekend. It didn't really do a difference for the flavor but they look a little poor now. The "icing on the cake" is missing!

October 4th is The Cinnamon bun's Day in Sweden. Of course I had to bake a batch! And they were so delicious I've already had 8 so far (small ones though)....oops! I just couldn't help myself. When they are freshly out of the oven they just melt in the mouth. And I kept telling myself that today you're allowed to eat as many as you want!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Red vs Blue

The first Presidential debate started tonight and of course I had to tune in. In November I get to vote in the American Presidential election for the first time. It's a big moment that I'm looking forward to. Having lived here for quite some years now I feel I'm becoming more and more American.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hi from a lost friend

Yummy salmon salad at Babalu Restaurant in Santa Monica.

My internet has been down for some days and my blackberry is broken so I've felt really out of touch lately. It's funny how dependent we are on always being connected. How did we manage before... Since last? I've had bad headaches for over a week actually :( but also been to an audition & callback for a Russian sports brand dressed in boots and winter jacket in the insanely hot summer weather.., and had a little crayfish party at my house and met a bunch of friends for a lovely outdoor brunch in Santa Monica. And you? :)