Saturday, February 18, 2012

Magic red berries

I'm continuing to cure myself with lots of vitamins. All these lovely red berries are now in my belly (so are also the orange, grapefruit, banana and kiwi that were hiding underneath). Especially when I get a raspberry in my mouth I instantly get this feeling of summer and childhood. I don't get that with any other fruit in the same way. It's probably because I remember the summers where I grew up and the bushes with raspberries in the garden and how I used to pick them, carefully making sure no little worm was hiding inside. My family usually went on a vacation trip abroad every summer and when the car drove up on the driveway and we were home again, I always immediately ran to the garden of the backside of our home, to see if the raspberries and the other berries had ripen while I was away. I was hoping the Swedish summer would be in full bloom by the time we got back and I saw the ripe berries of a sign of that coming true.

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