Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MAIF sweets

Mmm, I would LOVE to take a bite of one of these goodies - cakes with my soccer team's logo on. Mom sent me the picture. I wonder if I could bake something similar myself...

New Gucci bag

I bought this vintage Gucci tote at a celebrity estate sale last weekend. How do you like it? I think it's a such a perfect size and chic look for any occasion. I have so many handbags but I don't think I can ever have enough. Of course I love shoes too but I would definitely say I'm a "bag lady" :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday chicken

I figured the premiere of my new plates deserved something special, so for dinner tonight I tried out this new recipe I had just found. Chicken filets in the oven with a sauce of cream, cream cheese with herbs and garlic flavor, chicken stock and white wine. To be served with rice and a salad. Mmm, I will definitely be making this one again. It went super fast too. I love recipes like that, because even though I love cooking I don't want to be standing in the kitchen forever, mixing hundreds of ingredients together.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar Sunday

I've been putting away way too many hours in front of the TV, watching the Oscars of course. The airing started with the red carpet already at 1.30 so I don't even want to count the entire amount of time being glued to the screen... Milla Jovovich in Elie Saab wore one of my favorite dresses and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - always the golden couple. And the gala? Unfortunately I hadn't seen many of the nominated movies this year but I'm looking forward to catching up coming Friday nights when feeling like watching a movie but never knowing which one to pick.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kate for Mango

European fashion chain Mango 2012 spring campaign. These pictures are beautiful, my favorite model and outfits I would wear any day. Simply love all around.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My new plates

I usually set the table in black or white so I thought it would be fun with a change and bought these bluish ones. But I'll get the black&white addition with the napkin instead  ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Michael Kors spring fashion


The new Michael Kors spring cataloge landed in my mailbox the other day and when flipping it through.... I want almost everything! Everything looks so effortless and casually chic. The kind of rugged but still chic canvas bag and especially this adorable white tunic dress are definitely on my wish list for spring.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


All you Swedes know what I'm talking about! The Day of the cardamon bun with marzipan and whipped cream. So of course I had to make some and celebrate like a true Swede.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I've been spending this Monday afternoon putting in photos and other memorabilia from last summer's amazing road trip in a scrapbook album. It will be such a sweet memory to have once it's completed. All the fun little happenings along the road collected on page after page. No one really prints photos and puts them in albums anymore, it's all just electronic now a days. Such a pity. I'm a big fan of old school written letters and calendars and albums and everything else where you have to use a pen or scotch tape or anything but an electronic device. And I thought a special happening like this definitely deserves a special album.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Beautiful Victoria

I love Victoria Beckham. I think she is just so stylish and beautiful. Always looks impeccable. Here she is at a recent event in London.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Magic red berries

I'm continuing to cure myself with lots of vitamins. All these lovely red berries are now in my belly (so are also the orange, grapefruit, banana and kiwi that were hiding underneath). Especially when I get a raspberry in my mouth I instantly get this feeling of summer and childhood. I don't get that with any other fruit in the same way. It's probably because I remember the summers where I grew up and the bushes with raspberries in the garden and how I used to pick them, carefully making sure no little worm was hiding inside. My family usually went on a vacation trip abroad every summer and when the car drove up on the driveway and we were home again, I always immediately ran to the garden of the backside of our home, to see if the raspberries and the other berries had ripen while I was away. I was hoping the Swedish summer would be in full bloom by the time we got back and I saw the ripe berries of a sign of that coming true.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cough cough

The cold attacker.
I'm sick :( A sore throat, a little coughing and a headache. It's strange how ill you can feel with just a common cold. I'm trying my very best to make it as short lived as possible, stuffing myself full with vitamin C. And a little bit of chocolate...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

From a really sweet Valentine

I forgot to show you my lovely Valentine's gifts. A dozen long stem roses, chocolate and these gorgeous gold, diamond and sapphire earrings. Aren't I lucky?


I just came back from LAX again, but this time to unfortunately wave my mom good bye before she's boarding her flight to fly back home. I'll miss her a lot. There is always such a strong feeling of emptiness, after being used to having someone close by your side for an amount of time. Right now I feel incredibly lonely. That's what I hate the most about living so far away from family members - having to say good bye. But we'll see each pretty soon again. This summer both mom and dad will come visit. And that's a visit I'm looking forward to very much.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the air

I just made these! Looking forward to trying one - but first a yummy dinner with salmon in a lobster sauce.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Spring is here!

Sure looks like it, no? Even though today was a bit colder and the rain was waiting behind the clouds, the beauty is never far away.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thank Heaven for 7 Eleven

Well kind of...Valentine's Day came early for me in form of this little pink heartshaped donut from the chain around the corner. Delicious!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mani/Pedi treat

Mom's pretty red nails!
And then those hard working hands in the kitchen need some TLC of course...a mani/pedi at a nail spa around the corner made our hands&feet so smooth and well groomed and the nails perfectly shaped and colored. I chose a french tip for the hands. I don't know if that's what I like the most but when I pamper myself with a manicure I want to get something that I'm not able to do on my own at home, and not just a basic color. Now I'm so scared of touching anything though, don't want to chip those new and improved nails!

A winning combo

It's so much fun having my cooking partner next to me in the kitchen. Mom and I have always shared the interest of cooking and being two when it comes to chopping, frying, cutting...just makes it double the fun. Last night we made pork chops, oven roasted potatoes and a Caprese salad. And for a sweet treat afterwards - a Swedish crumble apple pie. Yummy team work, if I may say! ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dr Phil & Tea

I got a Dr Phil mug! :)
I brought my mom to watch a taping of the Dr Phil Show in Hollywood this morning. Or actually we got to see three..We were scheduled for two, but they threw a third last minute one in there. Fun, but definitely a bit tiring too, sitting down for so many hours. (One of the shows is coming up Friday!) I used to love watching this show. Back home in Sweden me and a friend of mine would always discuss the different subjects on the show and we probably tried being mini Dr Phils ourselves. Then when first moving over here, everything was so new and overwhelming but the Dr Phil show was familiar from home, so every afternoon at four a clock I would make myself a cup of tea and watch Dr Phil enter my living room.
And the rest of this very afternoon was actually spent over a cup of tea as well. Right after the taping we went over to Chado Tea Room, had afternoon tea and munched on sandwiches and their delicious scones.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Love LA

True :) (And I love hot chocolate with whipped cream in the mornings too.)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pizza Party

Home made pizza dough, onions, fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, ham, mozzarella cheese, oregano...voila!

Rang in the weekend with home made pizza and a scary thriller, (Misery with Kathy Bates and James Caan) = very nice laid back Friday night. How was yours?

Friday, February 3, 2012


Good Morning! It's Friday and I just finished drinking hot cocoa from this cute cup a friend gave me for my birthday. I'm on my way to an audition in Santa Monica and then it's weekend! I'm planning to fill it with a photo shoot, a super bowl party and some cleaning....because Sunday my mom will come visiting! Yay!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

For my mom...

A do or a don't?

Some more looks.
...the most shoe loving person I know. Prada's "hot rod" stilettos! ("Only" $1450)

I chose the latter!

February the 1st, lying in a T-shirt on the green grass in the sun...Not too bad.

This is your day

How will you spend it? I'm thinking about a long walk in the sunshine or quite the opposite - a lazy moment with a juicy magazine in the park. And to put a well needed hydration mask in my dry hair and maybe do a manicure. And then cook something good for dinner tonight. Yes, that sounds like a plan!